Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Keeping Up with Wholesale Jewelry Fashion Trends


It can be very easy to become overwhelmed by all of the moving parts involved with wholesale jewelry procurement, and there are even more variables involved in wholesale jewelry fashion trends. Whether you are buying for yourself and your inner circle or responsible for the sales of a retail establishment, staying up to date on the latest and greatest involves constant interest, attention, and vigilance.

It might be second nature to some consumers, but when you’re tasked with the success of a fashion outlet, making sure you offer what your customers want is a matter of the utmost importance. You might say it’s kind of a big deal.

Here are some quick suggestions you can follow to stay up to date on current trends with a few other tidbits of wisdom thrown in to help you stay one step ahead of changes in your industry. 

1.    Be active on social media and keep current with what’s trending!

Keep in touch with your customers and see which accounts they are following on social media. Influencers hold a lot of clout on social media, as do some of the more prevalent brands in fashion. They are quick to get ahead of demand by advertising new releases.

Put the feelers out with your customers and see if you can pick up on the most popular accounts that you should also be following. Staying up to date on trending looks and styles will help you ensure that you stock your shelves with the jewelry and fashion accessories that will capture and hold your customers’ attention.

Instagram is only one example, though; you should also follow popular accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Start checking Pinterest out for popular design trends, too. You may be surprised at what you find.

2.    Read the fashion headlines

Believe it or not, print (and digital publications) are still a great way to keep in touch with what’s hot and what’s not. If you do pick your customers’ brains for their interest in certain styles, see what they’re reading, too. You just might be able to pick up some inspiration from a good old magazine - even if it’s published online.

Popular articles and publications often gloss the season’s most popular looks, and where they’re most popular. Even if a trend hasn’t hit your corner of the scene yet, staying ahead is the key to success in business.

3.    Be ready with seasonal styles or event specific pieces

Remember, fashion is subject to change with the season or at a moment’s notice, so if your business is going to develop a successful strategy, keeping up with wholesale jewelry fashion from a seasonal perspective is a must.

Notwithstanding the changes that may arise unpredictably throughout the seasons, it's generally a good idea to keep some season-specific pieces on hand, to match the spirit of the time. Offer winter-themed jewelry and accessories to your customers as well as pieces with more summery vibes. And don’t forget that you should offer jewelry that your customers might want to offer themed favors for birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, graduations and similar events. Our fashionable jewelry collection includes a wide selection of high-quality costume jewelry as well as high fashion - these are perfect as favors or for themed occasions.

4.    Don’t miss out on an opportunity to mix and match

If you find a piece of jewelry from our collection that you’re sure will be a hit with your customers, then you’re perfectly positioned to expand on that style with a supporting piece of jewelry or a complimentary accessory from our collection.

Don’t forget that you can match necklaces as earrings as well as earrings and bracelets, or that hair accessories and sunglasses can be matched to jewelry as well. You want to offer your customers a selection of jewelry and accessories that will look good in company, and not just individually. Our quality whole fashion accessories turn the wheel over to you.

5.    Capitalize on cash cows

While it’s vital to stay ahead of trends in wholesale jewelry fashion and consumer preferences in general, don’t forget to offer those looks and styles that will never go out of business. While a specific trend in color, finish, enamel, or even a specific stone may fall out of favor, don’t nix an entire portion of your product catalog just because you aren’t sure where consumer preferences will be in a month.

6.    Don’t be afraid to take a risk on a style

All trends start somewhere, and your shop is just as well positioned to set a trend as a tabloid. Confidence and an intrepid spirit (mixed with a little bit of creativity, of course) can get you most of the way there. Of course, a celebrity endorsement will help, too, but you have to work with what you have, and quality wholesale fashion accessories are a good start!

If you have any additional questions about our wide range of fashion accessories and jewelry, please feel free to get in touch with us. You can reach our customer service team at 212-725-3616.

By the way, follow us on our social media accounts - check the right side of the page for our Facebook, Instagram and others - we’re always adding new items, and following us will keep you ahead of the curve.

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